Water service.

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    (a)    The rates for water service shall:

        (1)    Be based on estimates of the amount of water used by the types of users specified in the rates; and

        (2)    Consist of:

            (i)    A minimum charge based on the size of the meter on the water connection leading to the property; and

            (ii)    A charge for water used, based on the amount of water passing through the meter during the period between the last 2 readings.

    (b)    (1)    At its own expense, the political subdivision shall place a meter on each water connection.

        (2)    If the political subdivision does not have meters available to install in all property that is connected to the system in a locality, the political subdivision shall charge a flat rate to all property in which meters are not installed.

    (c)    (1)    The political subdivision shall send bills for water service to the property, the property owner, or the property owner’s designee for each property served on a monthly, every other month, quarterly, or semiannual basis.

        (2)    The bills are payable at the office of the political subdivision on receipt.

        (3)    If any bill remains unpaid after 30 days from the date the bill is sent, the political subdivision shall:

            (i)    Notify the owner of the property served, in writing, that the bill is in arrears and that water service will be discontinued;

            (ii)    Leave the notice on the owner’s property or mail the notice to the last known address of the owner; and

            (iii)    Discontinue water service to the property until the owner pays the bill and a reconnection charge reasonably related to the cost of reconnection, as established by ordinance of the governing body of the county or municipal corporation in which the water service is provided.

        (4)    If any bill remains unpaid after 60 days from the date of sending the notice:

            (i)    The bill and the penalty imposed under paragraph (3)(iii) of this subsection shall be collectible from the property owner in the same manner and subject to the same interest as taxes are collectible in the county in which the water or sewerage system lies; and

            (ii)    The water service charges and all penalties shall be a first lien on the property.

    (d)    (1)    This subsection applies only to property subject to a condominium regime established under Title 11 of the Real Property Article.

        (2)    Notwithstanding any other law, if the political subdivision directly bills the governing body of a condominium or a person designated by the governing body of a condominium for water or sewer usage charges for all or a portion of the units in a condominium property, and a charge is in default for at least 60 days, the political subdivision shall post notice conspicuously at or near the entry to the common area of the condominium.

        (3)    The political subdivision may enter onto the common area of a condominium property at a reasonable time to post the notice required under this subsection.

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