(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.
(b) “Official action” means a phase of the process in which a public agency in St. Mary’s County makes a decision or recommendation, including receipt of information and deliberation.
(c) (1) “Public agency” means:
(i) a governmental unit of St. Mary’s County, including an advisory or quasi–judicial agency, that is:
1. supported in any part by public money; or
2. authorized to spend public money; and
(ii) the St. Mary’s County Board of Education.
(2) “Public agency” includes a subcommittee or other subordinate unit of a governmental unit listed in paragraph (1) of this subsection.
(3) “Public agency” does not include:
(i) a grand jury;
(ii) a petit jury;
(iii) a law enforcement agency; or
(iv) the judicial branch.
(d) “Public agency meeting” means the convening of a quorum of the constituent membership of a public agency to deliberate or act on a matter under the supervision, control, jurisdiction, or advisory power of the public agency.
(e) “Quorum”, unless otherwise defined by applicable law, means a simple majority of the constituent membership of a public agency.
(f) “Staff meeting” means a meeting of three or more staff members of one or more public agencies.