Child abuse

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    (a)    On receipt of the notification required under § 5–705.3 of the Family Law Article, the State Superintendent’s designee shall convene, either in person or by telephone, a multidisciplinary team to coordinate procedures in accordance with the agreement developed under § 5–706(f) of the Family Law Article to be followed in investigating and otherwise responding to the report.

    (b)    The multidisciplinary team shall be chaired by the State Superintendent’s designee and shall include:

        (1)    Representatives of the local department and law enforcement agency that are investigating the report under § 5–706 of the Family Law Article;

        (2)    Representation from the office of the local State’s Attorney; and

        (3)    Appropriate medical, including mental health, expertise.

    (c)    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the members of the multidisciplinary team shall share information necessary to carry out the team’s responsibility under this section.

    (d)    Any information shared by the multidisciplinary team shall be confidential and may be disclosed only in accordance with the provisions of §§ 1–201, 1–202, 1–204, and 1–205 of the Human Services Article.

    (e)    On request, the Department of State Police shall provide technical assistance to a local law enforcement agency which is investigating a report of suspected child abuse concerning a child care center.

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