Prohibited acts

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    (a)    A supplier of water may not:

        (1)    Fail to comply with § 9-410 of this subtitle;

        (2)    Disseminate any false or misleading information in or about any notice required under § 9-410 of this subtitle or about any remedial action being undertaken to achieve compliance with State primary drinking water regulations;

        (3)    Knowingly make any false statement, representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or permit adopted or issued under this subtitle;

        (4)    Fail to comply with the rules and regulations adopted under § 9-407 of this subtitle; or

        (5)    Fail to comply with any conditions for variances or exemptions authorized under § 9-409 of this subtitle.

    (b)    A person may not:

        (1)    Fail to comply with any order issued by the Secretary under this subtitle; or

        (2)    Falsify or knowingly render inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this subtitle or any rule, regulation, order, or permit adopted or issued under this subtitle.

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