Commercial or residential building in eligible area undergoing renovations for accommodating advanced computer and telecommunications systems

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    (a)    The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City or the governing body of a county or municipal corporation may grant, by law, a tax credit against the county or municipal corporation property tax imposed on a commercial or residential building located in an eligible area to which qualifying renovations have been made to meet state-of-the-art communications and utility standards for accommodating advanced computer and telecommunications systems, including fiber-optic cable, emergency electrical capacity, and emergency backup power.

    (b)    For any taxable year, the amount of a property tax credit granted under this section may not exceed the lesser of:

        (1)    10% of the cost of renovations to a commercial or residential building to meet state-of-the-art communication and utility standards for accommodating advanced computer and telecommunications equipment, including fiber-optic cable, emergency electrical capacity, and emergency backup power; or

        (2)    the county or municipal corporation property tax otherwise due for that taxable year.

    (c)    A tax credit granted under this section may not be granted for more than 10 years.

    (d)    The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City or the governing body of a county or municipal corporation may designate an area within the county or municipal corporation as an area eligible for the tax credit under this section if the area is eligible for designation as a sustainable community under the Neighborhood Business Development Program created under Title 6, Subtitle 3 of the Housing and Community Development Article.

    (e)    A property tax credit may be granted under this section if a designee of the county or municipal corporation:

        (1)    before construction commences, reviews and approves the plans for the renovations as meeting industry standards published by the Electrical Industry Association and Telecommunications Industry Association (EIA/TIA Building Standard 568); and

        (2)    during construction and on completion of construction, reviews and approves the implementation of the renovations as conforming with the approved plans.

    (f)    The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore or the governing body of a county or municipal corporation may establish:

        (1)    additional limitations on the amount or duration of credits under this section;

        (2)    additional standards for eligibility for the credit; or

        (3)    procedures or requirements for the review and approval of credits.

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