Composting facilities.

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    (a)    A person may operate a composting facility in the State only in accordance with this part and any regulation, order, or permit adopted or issued under this part.

    (b)    (1)    The Department shall adopt regulations to implement the provisions of this part.

        (2)    Regulations adopted under paragraph (1) of this subsection may:

            (i)    Establish conditions under which a person may construct and operate a composting facility in the State;

            (ii)    Establish a tiered system of permits or approvals for composting facilities based on the type of feedstock, size of the facility, and other factors determined by the Department to be appropriate;

            (iii)    Establish design and operational conditions for composting facilities to protect public health and the environment and to minimize nuisances;

            (iv)    Establish exceptions to any requirement to obtain a composting facility permit or approval;

            (v)    Exempt certain organic materials that are composted from being designated as solid wastes; and

            (vi)    Establish any other provisions the Department deems necessary to implement the provisions of this subtitle related to composting.

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