(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.
(2) “Business entity” has the meaning stated in § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(3) “Eligible project” has the meaning stated in § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(4) “New business entity” has the meaning stated in § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(5) “Opportunity zone” has the meaning stated in § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(6) “Qualified business entity” means a new business entity operating an eligible project in a Tier I area, as defined under § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(7) “Qualified position” has the meaning stated in § 6–801 of the Economic Development Article.
(8) “Qualified property” means real property where an eligible project is located.
(b) (1) There is a credit against the State property tax under this section imposed on real property owned by a qualified business entity enrolled in the More Jobs for Marylanders Program established under Title 6, Subtitle 8 of the Economic Development Article.
(2) (i) With respect to qualified property of a business entity described under § 6–801(c)(1)(i) of the Economic Development Article, the property tax credit provided under this section is equal to 100% of all State property tax that is due.
(ii) With respect to qualified property of a business entity other than a business entity described under § 6–801(c)(1)(i) of the Economic Development Article, the property tax credit provided under this section is equal to the lesser of:
1. 100% of all State property tax that is due; or
2. an amount not exceeding $250 per qualified position filled at the qualified property.
(3) The property tax credit provided under this section does not affect the amount of the county or municipal corporation property tax imposed on the property.
(c) By June 15 each year, the Department shall submit to the Department of Commerce a list that includes:
(1) the location of each qualified property;
(2) the amount of the base year value for each qualified property; and
(3) the amount of the State property tax assessed against each qualified property.