Use of affidavit by credit cardholder in criminal case or juvenile proceeding.

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    (a)    In a criminal case or juvenile proceeding involving a violation of § 8–204, § 8–205, § 8–206, § 8–207, § 8–208, § 8–209, § 8–210, or § 8–214 of this subtitle or § 8–301 of this title, an affidavit sworn to by a lawful credit cardholder may be introduced as substantive evidence that the credit card or credit card number was taken, used, or possessed without the authorization of the credit cardholder.

    (b)    (1)    At least 10 days before a proceeding in which the State intends to introduce into evidence an affidavit as provided under this section, the State shall provide written notice to the defendant that the State intends to:

            (i)    rely on the affidavit; and

            (ii)    introduce the affidavit into evidence at the proceeding.

        (2)    On written demand of a defendant filed at least 5 days before the proceeding described in subsection (a) of this section, the State shall require the presence of the affiant as a prosecution witness.

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