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    (a)    In this part the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Authorized use, disclosure, or receipt” means any use, disclosure, or receipt necessary to accomplish the specific purpose for which the person issued a credit card number or payment device number, or granted to another the right to use, disclose, or receive the credit card number or other payment device number.

    (c)    “Holder” means a person who:

        (1)    has been issued a credit card number or other payment device number; or

        (2)    is authorized by the person who has been issued a credit card number or other payment device number to use, disclose, or receive that credit card number or payment device number.

    (d)    (1)    “Holder’s signature” means the signature of a holder in connection with a credit application or credit card transaction.

        (2)    “Holder’s signature” includes an electronically recorded signature.

    (e)    “Payment device number” means a code, account number, or other means of account access, other than a check, draft, or similar paper instrument, that can be used to obtain money, goods, services, or anything of value, or for purposes of initiating a transfer of funds.

    (f)    (1)    “Person” has the meaning stated in § 1–101 of this article.

        (2)    “Person” includes a business trust, statutory trust, estate, trust, and two or more persons having a joint or common interest.

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