Executive director

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    (a)    (1)    The Secretary shall appoint an executive director of the Commission.

        (2)    The executive director serves at the pleasure of the Secretary.

    (b)    The executive director shall devote full time to the duties of office.

    (c)    The executive director is entitled to:

        (1)    compensation in accordance with the State budget; and

        (2)    reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget.

    (d)    While employed as executive director, the executive director shall be covered by a surety bond in the form and amount required by law.

    (e)    The executive director shall:

        (1)    administer and operate the office of the Commission;

        (2)    be responsible to the Secretary;

        (3)    keep the official records of the Commission; and

        (4)    keep the seal of the Commission.

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