Annuity Bond Fund

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    (a)    There is an Annuity Bond Fund.

    (b)    The Comptroller shall:

        (1)    credit to the Annuity Bond Fund any money appropriated in the State budget to:

            (i)    meet the debt service requirements on State bonds; and

            (ii)    pay the costs of fiscal agents and other contracting parties appointed by the State Treasurer under §§ 8–121 and 8–136 of this subtitle; and

        (2)    as specified in the appropriation, use the money to meet the debt service on the State bonds and pay fiscal agents and other contracting parties’ costs.

    (c)    Any premium from the sale of State bonds transferred to the Annuity Bond Fund under § 8–125 of this subtitle may be used to pay debt service on State bonds.

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