(a) The State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services shall:
(1) collect data on the timeliness and effectiveness of the provision or procurement of health care services for children in the custody of the local departments;
(2) track health outcomes for children in out–of–home placement using the most recent Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Set (HEDIS) measures relevant to children including:
(i) immunization status;
(ii) lead screening;
(iii) medical management of asthma;
(iv) follow–up care for children prescribed ADHD medications;
(v) depression screening and follow–up for adolescents;
(vi) antidepressant medication management;
(vii) follow–up after an emergency department visit or hospitalization for mental illness;
(viii) metabolic monitoring and use of first–line psychosocial care for adolescents on antipsychotic medications;
(ix) appropriate treatment for children with upper respiratory infections; and
(x) provision of comprehensive diabetes care;
(3) assess the competency, including the cultural competency, of health care providers who evaluate and treat abused and neglected children in the custody of a local department;
(4) (i) periodically assess the supply and diversity of health care services that evaluate and treat children in out–of–home placement, identify shortfalls, if any, and report them to the relevant local department, the Department, and the Maryland Department of Health; and
(ii) work with State and local health and child welfare officials, provider agencies, and advocates to expand the supply and diversity of health care services;
(5) work with State and local health and child welfare officials, provider agencies, and advocates to identify systemic problems affecting health care for children in out–of–home placement and develop solutions; and
(6) using practice guidelines developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Helfer Society, and other expert organizations, ensure best–practice medical review and evaluation of cases of suspected child abuse or neglect.
(b) (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services and all personnel under the direct supervision of the State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services shall have access to all confidential information and records available to, or in the possession of, a local department.
(2) If written consent is required by law, the State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services and personnel under the direct supervision of the State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services may have access to the information or records only after the local department has obtained written consent under § 1–212 of this article.
(c) (1) The State Medical Director for Children Receiving Child Welfare Services shall report annually to the General Assembly, in accordance with § 2–1257 of the State Government Article, on the current status of health care services for children in out–of–home placement in the State.
(2) A report made under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be made available to the public on the Department’s website.