Adults with Developmental Disabilities Citizen's Advisory Committee

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    (a)    In this section, “Advisory Committee” means the Adults with Developmental Disabilities Citizen’s Advisory Committee.

    (b)    There is an Adults with Developmental Disabilities Citizen’s Advisory Committee in Prince George’s County.

    (c)    The purposes of the Advisory Committee are to:

        (1)    Provide the Secretary, the Director, the Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Administration, the Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Division of Rehabilitation Services, and groups in the local community with information regarding the needs of adults with developmental disabilities who reside in Prince George’s County;

        (2)    Advocate for positive systems change related to the services provided to adults with developmental disabilities;

        (3)    Advocate for a family–friendly relationship with the Administration, the Maryland State Department of Education Division of Rehabilitation Services, and other State and local organizations;

        (4)    Provide a forum for information sharing and support among adults with developmental disabilities and their families;

        (5)    Advocate for best practices in providing services to adults with developmental disabilities; and

        (6)    Seek input from individuals with developmental disabilities, advocates, family members, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues related to:

            (i)    Employment, services, and continuing education for adults with developmental disabilities; and

            (ii)    The inclusion of adults with developmental disabilities in the community.

    (d)    The Advisory Committee consists of the following members:

        (1)    The Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Administration;

        (2)    The Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Division of Rehabilitation Services;

        (3)    One representative from the Prince George’s County Department of Family Services;

        (4)    Parents and family members of individuals with developmental disabilities;

        (5)    Individuals with developmental disabilities;

        (6)    Representatives from Administration service providers; and

        (7)    Representatives from other interested groups, including local colleges, disability advocates, transportation providers, literacy organizations, and recreation groups.

    (e)    The Advisory Committee shall elect officers from among its members.

    (f)    The regional Administration office shall assist the Advisory Committee in notifying providers and consumers of Administration services of meetings of the Advisory Committee.

    (g)    A member of the Advisory Committee may not receive compensation as a member of the Advisory Committee.

    (h)    (1)    The Advisory Committee shall meet at least once each month.

        (2)    Representatives from the Advisory Committee shall meet with:

            (i)    The Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Administration and the Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Division of Rehabilitation Services at least four times a year; and

            (ii)    The Secretary and the Director annually.

    (i)    The Advisory Committee shall:

        (1)    Provide advice and make recommendations to the Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Administration, the Director of the Southern Maryland Regional Division of Rehabilitation Services, and groups in the local community on the needs of adults with developmental disabilities in Prince George’s County;

        (2)    Provide a forum for input from the residents of Prince George’s County on issues related to adults with developmental disabilities; and

        (3)    Perform any other duty considered appropriate by the Advisory Committee.

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