Unlawful harassment or discrimination prohibited.

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    (a)    This section does not apply to a State official of the Legislative Branch or a State official of the Judicial Branch.

    (b)    A State official may not, based on any characteristic protected by law, unlawfully harass or discriminate against:

        (1)    an official or employee;

        (2)    an intern, a page, or a fellow in any branch of State government;

        (3)    an individual regulated lobbyist; or

        (4)    a credentialed member of the press.

    (c)    (1)    In this subsection, “State legislative complex” means the following State–occupied buildings:

            (i)    the State House;

            (ii)    the Department of Legislative Services building;

            (iii)    the House of Delegates office building; and

            (iv)    the Senate office buildings.

        (2)    If an individual who is exempt from registration under § 5–702(b)(1) of this title is granted special access to the State legislative complex, the individual may not, based on any characteristic protected by law, unlawfully harass or discriminate against:

            (i)    an official or employee;

            (ii)    an intern, a page, or a fellow in any branch of State government;

            (iii)    another individual regulated lobbyist; or

            (iv)    a credentialed member of the press.

        (3)    The Department of General Services shall revoke the special access to the State legislative complex granted to a person who violates this subsection or a regulated lobbyist who violates § 5–714 of this subtitle if the revocation is requested by:

            (i)    the Speaker of the House or the Speaker’s designee;

            (ii)    the President of the Senate or the President’s designee; or

            (iii)    the Executive Director of the Department of Legislative Services or the Executive Director’s designee.

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