Use of prestige of office

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    (a)    (1)    An official or employee may not intentionally use the prestige of office or public position:

            (i)    for that official’s or employee’s private gain or that of another; or

            (ii)    to influence, except as part of the official duties of the official or employee or as a usual and customary constituent service without additional compensation, the award of a State or local contract to a specific person.

        (2)    An official may not directly or indirectly initiate a solicitation for a person to retain the compensated services of a particular regulated lobbyist or lobbying firm.

    (b)    The performance of usual and customary constituent services, without additional compensation, is not prohibited under subsection (a) of this section.

    (c)    (1)    A public official or employee may not use public resources or the title of the public official or employee to solicit a political contribution that is regulated in accordance with the Election Law Article.

        (2)    A State official may not use public resources to solicit a political contribution that is regulated in accordance with the Election Law Article.

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