Applying for money from the Fund

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    (a)    The Executive Director shall, in accordance with subsection (b) of this section and in consultation with the Council, establish procedures for local governments and nonprofit organizations to use in applying for money from the Fund.

    (b)    An application shall require a local government or nonprofit organization to provide, at a minimum:

        (1)    clearly defined and measureable objectives;

        (2)    evidence that the proposed evidence–based health programs or evidence–informed health programs would likely reduce gun violence; and

        (3)    a description of how the local government or nonprofit organization proposes to use the funding to reduce rates of gun violence by:

            (i)    establishing or enhancing evidence–based health programs or evidence–informed health programs; and

            (ii)    enhancing coordination of existing violence intervention and prevention programs, if any, to minimize duplication of services.

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