Maintenance and repair programs, policies, and standards

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    (a)    The General Assembly finds that:

        (1)    units of the State government are under pressure to delay or eliminate needed physical facility maintenance and repair because of fiscal constraints;

        (2)    lack of regular maintenance and repair results in deterioration of public improvements and increased costs for repair or construction of entirely new replacement facilities; and

        (3)    a specific set of procedures is necessary to ensure that all units of the State government perform regular maintenance and repair.

    (b)    (1)    The Department of General Services shall establish general policies and standards for maintenance and repair of public improvements.

        (2)    On or before December 31 of each year, the Department of General Services shall send any changes to these general policies and standards to:

            (i)    the Board of Public Works; and

            (ii)    the Department of Budget and Management.

    (c)    The Department shall:

        (1)    establish and supervise a comprehensive and continuing program of maintenance and repair of all public improvements; and

        (2)    review maintenance and operation of public improvements to the extent that any engineering question is involved.

    (d)    Each unit of the State government shall carry out a maintenance and repair program for each public improvement under the jurisdiction of the unit. In carrying out the program, the unit shall:

        (1)    conform to the policies and standards established by the Department; and

        (2)    allocate sufficient funds and personnel.

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