Scope of subtitle; regulations

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    (a)    Except as provided in § 4-409 of this subtitle, this subtitle does not apply to any public improvement made by:

        (1)    the Department of Transportation or a unit in that Department;

        (2)    any housing authority created under Division II of the Housing and Community Development Article;

        (3)    the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission;

        (4)    the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission;

        (5)    the Baltimore County Metropolitan District;

        (6)    a county, municipal corporation, or unit of a county or municipal corporation;

        (7)    the University System of Maryland;

        (8)    Morgan State University; or

        (9)    St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

    (b)    The Board of Public Works may exempt specific projects of a unit of the State government from the provisions of this subtitle.

    (c)    The Board of Public Works shall adopt regulations in accordance with Title 10, Subtitle 1 of the State Government Article establishing procedures for the exemption of specific projects of units of State government under subsection (b) of this section.

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