Subject to § 22–202(b) of this article and § 31–109 of this subtitle, the governmental units that are eligible to participate in the employees’ systems are:
(1) a political subdivision of the State, including:
(i) a county;
(ii) a municipal corporation; and
(iii) a special taxing area; and
(2) the following governmental units:
(i) an agency on aging, as designated by the legislative body of the agency on aging;
(ii) the Allegany County Transit Authority;
(iii) subject to § 31–104 of this subtitle, the Baltimore Metropolitan Council;
(iv) a board or commission created by an Act of the General Assembly for public purpose and not for the profit of a private person;
(v) subject to § 31–105 of this subtitle, the Canal Place Preservation and Development Authority;
(vi) the Chesapeake Bay Commission;
(vii) a cooperative library commission;
(viii) subject to § 31–103 of this subtitle, a community action agency, as designated by the legislative body of the community action agency;
(ix) a fire department that receives any of its funds from or through a county, municipal corporation, special taxing area, or other political subdivision of the State;
(x) the Health Planning Council of Appalachia;
(xi) the Howard County Economic Development Authority;
(xii) the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin;
(xiii) the Lower Shore Private Industry Council, Inc.;
(xiv) the Maryland Environmental Service;
(xv) subject to § 31–106 of this subtitle, the Maryland Stadium Authority;
(xvi) a public library association or organization;
(xvii) subject to § 31–106.2 of this subtitle, the St. Mary’s Nursing Center, Inc.;
(xviii) the Tri–County Council for Western Maryland, Inc.;
(xix) the Tri–County Council for Southern Maryland;
(xx) subject to § 31–107 of this subtitle, the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation;
(xxi) the Upper Potomac River Commission;
(xxii) subject to § 31–106.1 of this subtitle, the Maryland African American Museum Corporation;
(xxiii) the Garrett County Office for Children, Youth and Families;
(xxiv) the Somerset County Economic Development Commission; and
(xxv) the Dorchester County Sanitary Commission.