Disclosure of personal information on recordable instruments prohibited.

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    (a)    In this section, “personal information” means an individual’s:

        (1)    Social Security number; or

        (2)    Driver’s license number.

    (b)    On or after June 1, 2010, a person may not include personal information in a deed or other recordable instrument intended for recording.

    (c)    A person engaged to perform or charged with the duty to record a deed or other recordable instrument that contains personal information may, prior to recording:

        (1)    Permanently delete the personal information from the deed or other recordable instrument; or

        (2)    Request that the personal information be masked from the deed or other recordable instrument in accordance with § 8–504 of the State Government Article.

    (d)    A person is immune from civil liability or criminal penalty if the person:

        (1)    Inadvertently records a deed or other recordable instrument containing personal information; or

        (2)    Deletes or masks personal information from a deed or other recordable instrument in accordance with subsection (c) of this section.

    (e)    If a deed or other recordable instrument that contains personal information is inadvertently recorded, the inclusion of the personal information does not affect the validity of the instrument.

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