(a) (1) The Commissioners of Poolesville may submit to the voters the question of whether the sale of alcoholic beverages or the issuance of a class of license for the sale of alcoholic beverages should be prohibited in Poolesville.
(2) The question or a similar question may be submitted to the voters at a regular election or a special election called for that purpose.
(3) Submission of a question at one election does not prevent the submission of the same or another question at a subsequent election.
(b) (1) If a majority of the votes cast on the question favor allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages or issuance of a class of license, the sale or the issuance will continue if allowed at the time of the election or, if not previously allowed, will be allowed following the election.
(2) If a majority of the votes cast on the question favor prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages or issuance of any class of license:
(i) a license of the class or for the sale of the class of alcoholic beverages may not be issued, renewed, or extended; but
(ii) a license issued previously may continue in force until the date of expiration but may not be renewed or extended.