Standards for and labeling of condensed milk, condensed skimmed milk, and dry milk solids

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    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.

        (2)    “Condensed milk” includes sweetened condensed milk and evaporated milk.

        (3)    “Condensed skimmed milk” includes sweetened condensed skimmed milk and evaporated skimmed milk.

        (4)    “Dry milk solids” includes dry buttermilk, dry cream, dry whole milk, and nonfat dry milk solids.

    (b)    (1)    Condensed milk:

            (i)    Shall be manufactured from pure and wholesome milk;

            (ii)    Shall contain at least 25.5 percent milk solids and at least 7.5 percent milk fat;

            (iii)    Shall contain, within the limits of good manufacturing practice, at least 25 international units of vitamin D per fluid ounce; and

            (iv)    May contain any optional ingredient that is authorized under federal law.

        (2)    Condensed skimmed milk:

            (i)    Shall be manufactured from pure and wholesome skimmed milk;

            (ii)    Shall contain at least 20 percent milk solids and not more than 0.5 percent fat;

            (iii)    Shall contain, within the limits of good manufacturing practice, at least 25 international units of vitamin D per fluid ounce; and

            (iv)    May contain any optional ingredient that is authorized under federal law.

        (3)    Dry milk solids:

            (i)    Shall be manufactured from pure and wholesome milk, skimmed milk, buttermilk, or cream; and

            (ii)    May not contain any substance foreign to milk.

    (c)    (1)    Each package or container in which condensed milk, condensed skimmed milk, or dry milk solids are sold or delivered shall be labeled clearly and accurately to show the exact type of product in the package.

        (2)    The label shall be in letters not smaller or less distinct than any other letters on the package or container except letters used for the brand or trade name.

    (d)    A person may not manufacture, sell, exchange, deliver, advertise, label, or expose for sale, under a distinctive name or otherwise, any milk product for which a standard is set under this section unless the milk product conforms to that standard.

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