Labeling of milk products generally (Amendment subject to contingency.)

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    (a)    After the milk product has been processed, each milk product shall be labeled with:

        (1)    The description of that milk product under this subtitle or the rules and regulations adopted under this subtitle; and

        (2)    Any other information that the Secretary requires by rule or regulation.

    (b)    (1)    This subsection does not apply to human breast milk.

        (2)    A person may not state on a label of a food product that the product is milk unless the product meets the definition of “milk” established in § 21–401 of this subtitle.

    (c)    The Department shall establish and implement a plan to enforce the prohibition in subsection (b) of this section, including notice of the Department’s intent to implement a ban on all products that do not meet the requirements of subsection (b) of this section, including plant–based products mislabeled as milk.

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