Metal or composite soft drink containers with detachable metal tab devices

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    (a)    A person may not sell or offer for sale at retail in this State any metal soft drink container or any composite soft drink container that is designed and constructed with an all metal tab opening device that detaches from the container when the container is opened in a manner which is normally used to empty the contents of the container.

    (b)    The provisions of this section do not prohibit the sale or offer for sale of:

        (1)    A beverage container sealed with a laminated tape seal, even if the seal contains aluminum foil, if the seal is not rigid;

        (2)    Frozen beverage concentrates in all metal containers with detachable metal pull tabs customarily and primarily purchased for dilution and use within the home, or for similar purposes; and

        (3)    Metal beverage containers with pull tabs for milk-based products, soy-based products, or similar products which require sterilization and pressure in the canning process.

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