Disclosure of conflicts of interest.

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    (a)    (1)    A conflict of interest shall be disclosed:

            (i)    By the Board when hiring Board staff;

            (ii)    By the appointing authority when appointing members and alternate members to the Board and members to the Stakeholder Council; and

            (iii)    By the Board, when a member of the Board is recused in any final decision resulting from a review of a prescription drug product.

        (2)    A conflict of interest shall be disclosed:

            (i)    In advance of the first open meeting after the conflict is identified; or

            (ii)    Within 5 days after the conflict is identified.

    (b)    (1)    A conflict of interest disclosed under subsection (a) of this section shall be posted on the website of the Board unless the chair of the Board recuses the member from any final decision resulting from a review of a prescription drug product.

        (2)    A posting under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall include the type, nature, and magnitude of the interests of the member involved.

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