Analysis of samples

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    (a)    If, while conducting an inspection under § 21-249 of this subtitle or while performing any other function under this subtitle, the Secretary obtains a sample of a food or drug, the Secretary may have an analysis or other examination made in a laboratory of the Department to determine:

        (1)    As to a food sample, whether the food:

            (i)    Is misbranded;

            (ii)    Contains any filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance; or

            (iii)    Is otherwise adulterated or unfit for food; or

        (2)    As to a drug sample, whether the drug:

            (i)    Is adulterated; or

            (ii)    Is misbranded.

    (b)    The results of an analysis or other examination conducted under this section shall be set forth in a written report and a copy of the report shall be given promptly to the owner, operator, or agent in charge of the establishment from which the sample was obtained.

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