Worcester County.

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    (a)    This section applies only in Worcester County.

    (b)    (1)    The Sheriff of Worcester County shall receive an annual salary as set by the County Commissioners of Worcester County of at least $85,000.

        (2)    The Sheriff shall appoint at least one chief deputy sheriff and as many deputy sheriffs and other personnel as are necessary to perform the duties of the office and are provided for in the county budget.

    (c)    The County Commissioners shall pay all necessary expenses of the operation of the Sheriff’s Office through the county budget adopted in accordance with all applicable laws and budget procedures and subject to all applicable budget reviews.

    (d)    (1)    The chief deputy sheriff shall serve at the pleasure of the Sheriff.

        (2)    If a chief deputy sheriff who was a Worcester County deputy sheriff prior to being appointed as chief deputy is removed from the office of chief deputy for other than cause, that person shall revert to a deputy sheriff with the same status that the person had prior to the person’s appointment as chief deputy.

        (3)    If a chief deputy sheriff who was not a Worcester County deputy sheriff prior to being appointed as chief deputy is removed from the office of chief deputy for any reason, that person may not automatically revert to a deputy sheriff after being removed as chief deputy.

    (e)    (1)    Except as provided in this section, the personnel rules and regulations of the county as adopted by the County Commissioners shall apply to all employees of the Sheriff’s Office other than the chief deputy sheriff, including deputy sheriffs, clerks, typists, animal control officers, and other necessary personnel.

        (2)    The appointment, disciplinary, and managerial functions of the County Commissioners as provided for in the personnel rules and regulations of the county shall be performed by the Sheriff in the case of all employees of the Sheriff’s Office.

    (f)    The Sheriff may adopt Sheriff’s Office manuals, additional rules of conduct, dress, and decorum, and other procedures that shall apply to all employees and shall be conditions of employment with the Sheriff’s Office.

    (g)    An employee of the Sheriff’s Office other than the chief deputy sheriff or a probationary employee may be disciplined or terminated for cause only in accordance with the provisions of this section, the regulations referred to in this section, or the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights.

    (h)    (1)    When a new Sheriff takes office, or at the beginning of a new term of office of a Sheriff, all deputies other than the chief deputy and all other employees in good standing shall remain in their positions and shall be considered reappointed or redeputized, subject to the provisions of this section and to the extent required.

        (2)    A Sheriff may not refuse to reappoint and redeputize a deputy sheriff without cause.

    (i)    At the request of the Sheriff, the County Commissioners may provide in–kind support to the Sheriff relating to personnel matters.

    (j)    The Sheriff shall have complete control over the employees of the Sheriff’s Office, subject only to the provisions of this section and the reasonable application of the personnel rules and regulations of the county and the protections and benefits those policies provide.

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