Baltimore City.

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    (a)    This section applies only in Baltimore City.

    (b)    The Sheriff of Baltimore City shall receive:

        (1)    An expense allowance of $750 two times per year; and

        (2)    An annual salary of:

            (i)    $79,300 in calendar year 2007;

            (ii)    $84,600 in calendar year 2008;

            (iii)    $89,900 in calendar year 2009;

            (iv)    $95,200 in calendar year 2010; and

            (v)    In calendar year 2011 and thereafter, no less than the salary of a Command Staff 2 in the Baltimore City Police Department at the midpoint in the pay scale.

    (c)    (1)    The Sheriff shall appoint:

            (i)    An undersheriff or chief deputy sheriff;

            (ii)    One assistant sheriff;

            (iii)    Three deputy sheriff majors;

            (iv)    Three deputy sheriff captains;

            (v)    Six deputy sheriff lieutenants;

            (vi)    One secretary sheriff; and

            (vii)    One fiscal clerk sheriff.

        (2)    The Sheriff may appoint up to a maximum of:

            (i)    9 deputy sheriff sergeants;

            (ii)    103 deputy sheriffs;

            (iii)    2 domestic violence clerks; and

            (iv)    2 domestic violence advocates.

    (d)    (1)    Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, salaries for employees listed in subsection (c) of this section shall be set by the Secretary of Budget and Management.

        (2)    (i)    Salaries for deputy sheriffs shall be set at a rate not less than the salary equivalent to grade 14 of the State pay scale.

            (ii)    Salaries for deputy sheriff sergeants shall be set at a rate not less than the salary equivalent to grade 16 of the State pay scale.

            (iii)    Salaries for deputy sheriff lieutenants shall be set at a rate not less than the salary equivalent to grade 18 of the State pay scale.

    (e)    (1)    In addition to any other compensation received, each deputy sheriff shall receive an expense allowance of $400 annually for:

            (i)    Ammunition for practice sessions at the range;

            (ii)    Clothing allowance to defray the cost of dry cleaning and maintaining the clothing worn while on duty; and

            (iii)    The purchase and maintenance of other items necessary to fulfill duties that currently are not furnished by the Baltimore City Sheriff’s Department.

        (2)    (i)    A deputy sheriff who uses a personal automobile is entitled to a monthly automobile allowance at the same rate paid to other State employees.

            (ii)    Any Sheriff who is assigned a city–owned automobile may not receive the monthly automobile expense allowance.

        (3)    (i)    The Sheriff’s Office shall also have assistants at the compensation provided for in the annual ordinance of estimates of Baltimore City.

            (ii)    Provisions shall also be made in the ordinance for the expenses of the Sheriff’s Office, including the purchase and maintenance of motor vehicles.

        (4)    The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore have the same power with respect to the salaries of the Sheriff’s Office as they have under the city charter with respect to the salaries of all municipal departments.

        (5)    Employees of the Sheriff’s Office, except the Sheriff, shall be selected according to the provisions of the State Personnel and Pensions Article.

    (f)    (1)    The Mayor and City Council shall pay monthly to the Sheriff one twelfth of the amount provided in the ordinance of estimates for the expenses of the Sheriff’s Office.

        (2)    Within 30 days after June 30th in each and every year the Sheriff shall pay to the Mayor and City Council any of the unexpended expense funds advanced during the preceding year and render a detailed account to the Mayor and City Council of all expense funds received and expended by the Sheriff.

        (3)    The Mayor and City Council shall reimburse the State for the administrative costs incurred because the employees of the Sheriff’s Office are in the State Personnel Management System.

    (g)    During the course of a deputy sheriff’s employment, any deputy sheriff of the city may ride in the city on public transportation of the Maryland Transit Administration without paying any fare if the deputy sheriff shows proper identification regarding employment as a deputy sheriff.

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