Family beer and wine facility permit

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    (a)    There is a family beer and wine facility permit.

    (b)    (1)    The permit authorizes the holder to establish a facility to produce family beer or wine by a consumer who:

            (i)    is of legal drinking age; but

            (ii)    does not have a license.

        (2)    The permit authorizes the holder to provide equipment, raw materials, and instructions to a consumer.

        (3)    Except as provided in paragraph (4) of this subsection, the permit holder may not engage in the production or manufacture of beer or wine.

        (4)    A permit authorizes the holder to engage in the production or manufacture of beer or wine for:

            (i)    testing equipment or recipes; and

            (ii)    sampling, provided that:

                1.    each patron has no more than five samples;

                2.    each sample does not exceed 2 ounces; and

                3.    each sample is consumed on the premises by an individual who has a nonrefundable contract to brew or ferment at the facility.

    (c)    Family beer and wine produced at a family beer and wine facility:

        (1)    shall be removed from the premises by the consumer; and

        (2)    may be used only for home consumption and the personal use of the consumer.

    (d)    The Comptroller may restrict the permit holder to the production of family–produced beer or family–produced wine.

    (e)    The permit fee is $400.

    (f)    The Comptroller may adopt regulations regarding any activity relating to the operation of the facility, including limits on the quantities of beer and wine produced and record keeping.

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