Resident dealer's permit

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    (a)    There is a resident dealer’s permit.

    (b)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Comptroller may issue the permit to:

            (i)    an importer of beer, wine, or distilled spirits produced outside the United States that:

                1.    purchases directly from the brand owner or from a sales agent of a bottler, brewer, distiller, manufacturer, rectifier, vintner, or winery;

                2.    is authorized by the brand owner to sell in the State; and

                3.    provides proof of the sales agency relationship to the Comptroller; or

            (ii)    an American sales agent of an importer under item (i) of this paragraph, on presentation of proof of the sales agency relationship to the Comptroller.

        (2)    An individual applicant, an applicant qualifying as a resident applicant for a corporation, or each applicant for a partnership is not eligible for the permit unless the individual has been a resident of the State for at least 2 years immediately before applying for the permit.

    (c)    The Comptroller may not issue the permit to a person that:

        (1)    is a holder of a wholesaler’s license or retail license;

        (2)    has an interest in a wholesaler licensed under this article; or

        (3)    has an interest in any retail license holder.

    (d)    The permit authorizes the holder to sell alcoholic beverages to:

        (1)    a holder of a wholesaler’s license; or

        (2)    a person outside the State that the Comptroller authorizes to acquire the alcoholic beverages.

    (e)    The permit holder may not own or operate a warehouse in the State.

    (f)    The permit fee is $200.

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