Information Technology Investment Program

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    (a)    In this section, “information technology” has the meaning stated in § 3A–301 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.

    (b)    The Department shall establish an Information Technology Investment Program in accordance with the Statewide Information Technology Master Plan, as established under § 3A–304 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, and shall maintain a separate account within the Transportation Trust Fund for information technology–related resources.

    (c)    (1)    Before proceeding with any information technology–related project, the Department shall obtain approval by the Chief of Information Technology of the Department of Budget and Management that the project is consistent with the State Information Technology Master Plan.

        (2)    Subject to the final approval of the Secretary of Budget and Management, the Chief of Information Technology may approve an information technology–related project only after consulting with the Information Technology Board established under § 3–406 of the State Finance and Procurement Article.

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