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    (a)    (1)    Any person aggrieved by a final decision of the Commission under this subtitle may take a direct judicial appeal.

        (2)    The appeal shall be made as provided for judicial review of final decisions in the Administrative Procedure Act.

    (b)    (1)    An appeal from a final decision of the Commission under this section shall be taken in the name of the person aggrieved as appellant and against the Commission as appellee.

        (2)    The Commission is a necessary party to an appeal at all levels of the appeal.

        (3)    The Commission may appeal any decision that affects any of its final decisions to a higher level for further review.

        (4)    On grant of leave by the appropriate court, any aggrieved party or interested person may intervene or participate in an appeal at any level.

    (c)    Any person, government agency, or nonprofit health service plan that contracts with or pays a facility for health care services has standing to participate in Commission hearings and shall be allowed to appeal final decisions of the Commission.

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