Denial, suspension, revocation, or limitation of license.

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    (a)    The Secretary may deny a license to an applicant or suspend, revoke, or limit a license or the authority of a licensee to offer or perform tests that a license sets forth, if the forensic laboratory or its director or other personnel fail to meet the standards and requirements of this subtitle.

    (b)    (1)    If the Secretary finds that a forensic laboratory licensed under this subtitle no longer meets the standards and requirements of this subtitle, the Secretary may:

            (i)    Revoke the license of the forensic laboratory; or

            (ii)    Suspend the license of the forensic laboratory.

        (2)    If a deficiency exists, the Secretary may:

            (i)    Impose a directed plan of correction;

            (ii)    Regularly inspect the forensic laboratory to assure compliance with the directed plan of correction; or

            (iii)    Limit the testing authorized by the license.

    (c)    If the Secretary finds that a forensic laboratory provided erroneous or questionable test results, the Secretary may order the laboratory to provide written notification to:

        (1)    The person or agency that ordered the tests;

        (2)    The Office of the Public Defender or counsel of record; and

        (3)    The State’s Attorney.

    (d)    A State’s Attorney who receives notification from a laboratory under subsection (c) of this section shall notify the victim of the criminal act or the victim’s representative of the erroneous or questionable test results.

    (e)    A forensic laboratory that fails to comply with an order issued by the Secretary under subsection (c) of this section is subject to a civil penalty of up to $1,000 for each day of noncompliance after the deadline for compliance stated in the Secretary’s order, not to exceed a maximum penalty of $50,000.

    (f)    Except as otherwise provided in the Administrative Procedure Act, before the Secretary denies, suspends, or revokes a license, or imposes a civil penalty under this section, the Secretary shall give the applicant or licensee notice and an opportunity for a hearing.

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