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    (a)    In this title the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Board of Trustees” means the Board of Trustees of the Office of the Public Defender established under § 16–301 of this title.

    (c)    “District” means an area conforming to the geographic boundaries of a District Court district established in § 1–602 of the Courts Article.

    (d)    “Indigent individual” means an individual who qualifies as an indigent individual under § 16–210 of this title.

    (e)    (1)    “Office” means the Office of the Public Defender.

        (2)    “Office” includes each district office and branch office of the Public Defender.

    (f)    “Panel attorney” means an attorney who is eligible for appointment as an attorney for an indigent individual.

    (g)    “Regional advisory board” means a public defender regional advisory board.

    (h)    “Serious offense” means:

        (1)    a felony;

        (2)    a misdemeanor or offense punishable by confinement for more than 3 months or a fine of more than $500;

        (3)    a delinquent act that would be a serious offense if committed by an adult; or

        (4)    an offense in which, in the opinion of the court, the complexity of the matter or the youth, inexperience, or mental capacity of the accused requires representation of the accused by an attorney.

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