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    (a)    On the imposition of a fine by a court-martial and on the approval of its findings by the officer who appointed the court-martial, the fine is payable at once.

    (b)    (1)    If an officer or enlisted individual does not pay a fine within 10 days after notification of the imposition of the fine, the fine may be collected in the name of the State in the District Court sitting in the county where the officer or enlisted individual resides in the same manner as other fines for crimes under State law.

        (2)    The District Court shall require that a fine imposed under this subtitle be paid along with court costs if:

            (i)    the court receives a certificate in writing from the proper commanding officer setting forth the findings of the court-martial and the commanding officer’s approval of those findings; and

            (ii)    the offender is arrested and brought before the court.

    (c)    If an offender defaults on payment of the fine and costs ordered under subsection (b)(2) of this section, the District Court may, under §§ 7-504 and 7-505 of the Courts Article, commit the offender to the local correctional facility of the municipal corporation or county where the offender resides.

    (d)    (1)    A fine collected under subsection (c) of this section shall be paid to the finance officer of the organization of which the offender was a member.

        (2)    The finance officer shall apply any fines received to the military funds of the organization.

    (e)    The Governor may remit as a whole or in part a fine imposed by a court-martial.

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