Administrative accounts

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    (a)    Each central committee of a political party or legislative party caucus committee may establish one administrative account.

    (b)    Disbursements from an administrative account may be made only for nonelectoral purposes.

    (c)    A donation to an administrative account:

        (1)    may be made only if the donor is aware that the donation will be used for nonelectoral purposes and consents to that use before making the donation; and

        (2)    is not subject to § 13–226(b) of this subtitle.

    (d)    A campaign finance entity may not make a transfer to an administrative account.

    (e)    The State Board shall adopt regulations that:

        (1)    define permissible nonelectoral disbursements from an administrative account; and

        (2)    require disclosure of:

            (i)    donations to an administrative account; and

            (ii)    disbursements from an administrative account.

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