Insignia on certified buildings

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    (a)    Industrialized buildings certified by the Department for sale in the State shall bear the insignia provided by the Department.

    (b)    An industrialized building that bears an insignia provided by the Department is acceptable in all localities of the State:

        (1)    to comply with the requirements of this subtitle; and

        (2)    to meet the requirements of safety to life, health, and property required by a law or ordinance of a local governing body of the State without further investigation or inspection by the local governing body if the industrialized building is erected or installed in accordance with the conditions of the certification.

    (c)    (1)    An industrialized building that was manufactured on or before June 30, 1977, and is not required to bear the insignia provided by the Department:

            (i)    may be lawfully sold or installed; and

            (ii)    is subject to regulation by the local governing body of the jurisdiction where the industrialized building will be installed.

        (2)    If an industrialized building that is not required to bear the insignia provided by the Department is offered for sale, the seller or manufacturer shall specifically advise the prospective purchaser that the building has not been certified by the State.

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