Standards for industrialized buildings and manufactured homes

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    (a)    The Department:

        (1)    shall adopt regulations that set standards to which industrialized buildings shall comply to protect against the hazards of industrialized buildings to safety, health, and property;

        (2)    may adopt regulations that govern the enforcement, inspection, and certification programs authorized by this subtitle; and

        (3)    with respect to industrialized buildings, shall adopt the Maryland Building Performance Standards with exceptions or modifications that, after adequate public notice and public hearing, the Department considers appropriate to meet the needs and judgments of the State.

    (b)    (1)    If practical, the regulations that set standards for industrialized buildings shall be stated in terms of required levels of performance to facilitate the prompt approval of acceptable new building materials and methods.

        (2)    If generally recognized standards of performance are not available, the regulations shall provide for acceptance of materials and methods whose performance has been determined by the Department, on the basis of reliable test and evaluation data presented by the proponent, to be substantially equal in safety to the materials and methods specified when used for the purpose and in the manner recommended.

    (c)    (1)    The Department shall have printed and keep in pamphlet form the regulations that set standards for industrialized buildings.

        (2)    The pamphlets shall be provided at cost to the public on request.

    (d)    The Department may adopt regulations that relate to issues of construction or safety of manufactured homes for which a federal standard has not been established and which are not reserved to a local government under § 12-303 of this subtitle.

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