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    (a)    At a minimum, the MBRC shall:

        (1)    maintain a level of safety consistent with existing codes;

        (2)    provide for multiple categories of work with multiple compliance standards;

        (3)    be enforceable by local officials using existing enforcement procedures;

        (4)    apply to the repair, renovation, modification, and reconstruction of, a change of occupancy in, and an addition to, an existing building;

        (5)    provide an expedited review process for proposed amendments to the MBRC submitted by a local government or an organization that represents local governments; and

        (6)    provide an opportunity for a person proposing a complex project that involves multiple codes to meet, before submitting a construction permit application, with the local officials, or their designees, responsible for permit approval and enforcement of construction–related laws that apply to the project.

    (b)    To the extent possible, the meeting provided for under subsection (a)(6) of this section shall include the officials responsible for permit approval and enforcement in any of the following areas that apply to the complex project:

        (1)    building code;

        (2)    mechanical code;

        (3)    plumbing code;

        (4)    electrical code;

        (5)    fire prevention code;

        (6)    Boiler Safety Code;

        (7)    energy code;

        (8)    elevator code; and

        (9)    local historic preservation ordinances.

    (c)    The purpose of the meeting provided for under subsection (a)(6) of this section is to anticipate and expedite the resolution of problems that a complex project may have in complying with the MBRC and any other applicable laws.

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