Factors for granting permits; public hearing.

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    (a)    The factors that the Commission shall consider in deciding whether to grant a permit shall include:

        (1)    the needs and convenience of the public;

        (2)    whether the satellite simulcast facility:

            (i)    would be expected to interfere unreasonably with attendance at tracks; and

            (ii)    meets the requirements of § 11–825(a) of this subtitle;

        (3)    the desires of the political subdivision where the proposed satellite simulcast facility is to be located;

        (4)    the interests of the racing industry; and

        (5)    other matters that the Commission finds appropriate.

    (b)    Before granting a permit, the Commission shall:

        (1)    hold a public hearing within 10 miles of the proposed satellite simulcast facility;

        (2)    advertise the date, time, and location of the public hearing in a local publication at least 30 days before the public hearing;

        (3)    provide written notice of the date, time, and location of the public hearing to each of the Senators, Delegates, and county–elected officials that represent the jurisdiction within which the proposed satellite simulcast betting facility is to be located;

        (4)    post notice of the public hearing on the Commission’s Web site at least 30 days before the public hearing;

        (5)    require the applicant, at least 30 days before the public hearing, to post a sign in a conspicuous location at the facility for which the application for the permit was submitted stating that an application is pending for use of the facility for satellite simulcast betting and specifying the date, time, and location of the public hearing; and

        (6)    request from the applicant a list of community associations that were notified of the public hearing.

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