Estimated taxes

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    (a)    (1)    A licensee shall:

            (i)    estimate daily the State tax on money bet; and

            (ii)    pay to the Commission the estimated tax, to be credited against the total tax due at the close of the race meeting.

        (2)    The first payment of estimated tax is due 33 days after the start of the race meeting and covers the estimated tax for the first 30 days of the race meeting.

        (3)    The estimated daily tax for each later day of the race meeting shall be paid to the Commission not later than 72 hours after the close of racing for that day.

        (4)    The total tax due for the race meeting shall be paid within 5 days after the close of the race meeting.

    (b)    If the estimated tax paid by a licensee is less than 75% of the total tax due at the end of a race meeting, the Comptroller may assess a penalty of 25% of any additional tax due at the end of the race meeting.

    (c)    The Commission promptly shall send to the Comptroller all taxes and estimated taxes it collects.

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