Average handle over $600,000 -- Allocation of licensee's takeout share

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    (a)    From a licensee’s share of the takeout on each mutuel pool, the licensee whose average handle is over $600,000 shall allocate equally to the Sires Stakes Program and the Foaled Stakes Program of the Maryland Standardbred Race Fund the following amounts:

        (1)    on the first $125,000 of the average handle:

            (i)    0.50% of each regular mutuel pool;

            (ii)    0.50% of each multiple mutuel pool on 2 horses; and

            (iii)    1% of each multiple mutuel pool on 3 or more horses.

        (2)    on the rest of the average handle:

            (i)    1% of each regular mutuel pool;

            (ii)    1% of each multiple mutuel pool on 2 horses; and

            (iii)    1.5% of each multiple mutuel pool on 3 or more horses.

    (b)    From the licensee’s share of the takeout, the licensee shall allocate 0.50% on the part of an average handle over $150,000 to pay for:

        (1)    purses;

        (2)    personnel–related expenses, physical improvements, track maintenance, and indebtedness related to the track, including indebtedness for clubhouse and grandstand construction; and

        (3)    maintenance of proper living conditions in the backstretch.

    (c)    (1)    From the licensee’s share of the takeout, the licensee shall allocate 0.25% of each mutuel pool to improve the facilities and services of the track and to increase marketing activity, so as to promote:

            (i)    increased attendance and pari–mutuel betting; and

            (ii)    enhanced well–being of the standardbred racing industry.

        (2)    The General Assembly, by statute, may direct that the Commission not award in the following calendar year part or all of the racing days authorized under § 11–610 of this part to the licensee if the General Assembly finds that:

            (i)    the proposed use of the allocation under this subsection is inconsistent with the purposes specified in this section; or

            (ii)    the licensee has not spent the allocation in a way that is consistent with the proposal.

    (d)    From the licensee’s share of the takeout on each multiple mutuel pool on 2 horses, the licensee shall allocate at least 1% of the mutuel pool as follows:

        (1)    one–half to purses; and

        (2)    one–half to personnel–related expenses, physical improvements, track maintenance, and indebtedness related to the track, including indebtedness for clubhouse and grandstand construction.

    (e)    From the licensee’s share of the takeout on each multiple mutuel pool on 3 or more horses, a licensee shall allocate at least 6.5% of each mutuel pool as follows:

        (1)    one–half to purses; and

        (2)    one–half to personnel–related expenses, physical improvements, track maintenance, and indebtedness related to the track, including indebtedness for clubhouse and grandstand construction.

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