Takeout and winnings

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    (a)    (1)    A licensee whose average handle is $150,000 or less shall keep the breakage.

        (2)    A licensee whose average handle is over $150,000 shall:

            (i)    allocate 50% of the breakage to the Sires Stakes Program; and

            (ii)    keep 50% of the breakage to pay for personnel-related expenses, physical improvements, track maintenance, and indebtedness related to the track, including indebtedness for clubhouse and grandstand construction.

    (b)    If an average handle is over $600,000, the takeout shall be:

        (1)    17% from each regular mutuel pool;

        (2)    19% from each multiple mutuel pool for 2 horses; and

        (3)    25% from each multiple mutuel pool on 3 or more horses.

    (c)    If the average handle is $600,000 or less, the takeout shall be:

        (1)    not more than 18.75% from each regular mutuel pool;

        (2)    not more than 20.75% from each multiple mutuel pool on 2 horses; and

        (3)    not more than 26.75% from each multiple mutuel pool on 3 or more horses.

    (d)    Money that remains after deductions are made under this section shall be returned as winnings to successful bettors.

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