Compact committee.

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    (a)    There is hereby created an interstate governmental entity known as the compact committee, to be comprised of one official from the racing commission, or its equivalent, of each party state, who shall be selected, serve, and be removed in accordance with the laws of the official’s party state.

    (b)    Each official shall have, in accordance with the laws of that party state, the assistance of that state’s racing commission, or its equivalent, in considering issues related to licensing of participants in live racing and in acting as representative of that state on the compact committee.

    (c)    Where an official is unable to perform any duty of the compact committee:

        (1)    an alternate shall serve, until the original can return to duty, as that party state’s official on the compact committee; and

        (2)    the designation of an alternate shall be communicated by that party state’s racing commission, or its equivalent, to the compact committee, as required by the applicable bylaws.

    (d)    The Chairman of the Commission shall designate the official, and official’s alternate, to represent the State of Maryland on the compact committee.

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