Voluntary admissions

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    (a)    An individual who is admitted voluntarily to a facility, on an informal request, may leave the facility at any time between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., unless the admission status of the individual has been changed to an involuntary admission.

    (b)    (1)    An individual who has been admitted voluntarily, under a formal written application, may not be held for more than 3 days after the individual asks for release, unless the admission status of the individual has been changed to an involuntary admission.

        (2)    If the admission status of the individual is changed from a voluntary to an involuntary admission, the facility shall notify the Mental Health Division in the Office of the Public Defender, by e–mail or facsimile, of the involuntary admission within 24 hours after the change in admission status is made.

    (c)    A minor who has been admitted voluntarily, on the application of a parent or guardian of the minor, may not be held for more than 3 days after the applicant for the admission asks for release, unless the admission status of the minor has been changed to an involuntary admission.

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