Jurisdiction and venue

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    (a)    The Circuit Court of Baltimore City:

        (1)    has exclusive original jurisdiction over delinquency proceedings; and

        (2)    may issue all necessary and proper orders to carry out this subtitle.

    (b)    If service is made in accordance with the Maryland Rules or other applicable law, a court with subject matter jurisdiction over an action brought under this subtitle also has jurisdiction over:

        (1)    an officer, director, manager, trustee, organizer, promoter, or attorney in fact of a provider against which a delinquency proceeding has been commenced, in an action resulting from or incidental to the person’s relationship with the provider;

        (2)    a person that, at the time of or after commencement of the delinquency proceeding, held or was in control of assets in which the receiver claims an interest on behalf of the provider, in an action concerning the assets of the provider; and

        (3)    a person obligated to the provider in any way, in an action on or incidental to the obligation.

    (c)    The venue of all delinquency proceedings is in Baltimore City.

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