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    (a)    In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated.

    (b)    “Applicant” includes an assignee, legal representative, or successor of a person who submits an application for registration of a mark under this subtitle.

    (c)    “Mark” means a name, symbol, word, or combination of 2 or more of these that a person:

        (1)    places on goods that the person sells or distributes, a container of the goods, a display associated with the goods, or a label or tag affixed to the goods to identify those goods that the person makes or sells and to distinguish them from goods that another person makes or sells; or

        (2)    displays or otherwise uses to advertise or sell services that the person performs to identify those services that the person performs and to distinguish them from services that another person performs.

    (d)    “Person” includes a governmental entity or unit or instrumentality of a governmental entity.

    (e)    “Registrant” includes an assignee, legal representative, or successor of a person who registers a mark under this subtitle.

    (f)    “Trade name” means a name, symbol, word, or combination of 2 or more of these that a person uses to identify the business or occupation of the person and to distinguish it from the business or occupation of another person.

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