Proration of certain license fees

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    (a)    In this section, “license” means all or any part of permission that:

        (1)    is required by law to be obtained from a unit;

        (2)    is not required only for revenue purposes; and

        (3)    is in any form, including:

            (i)    an approval;

            (ii)    a certificate;

            (iii)    a charter;

            (iv)    a permit; or

            (v)    a registration.

    (b)    This section:

        (1)    applies only to a fee for an initial license issued for a 2-year term under Title 8, Title 9A, or Title 12 of this article;

        (2)    does not apply to a fee renewal of a license; and

        (3)    may not affect any other law that requires a unit to prorate a fee on any basis for the issuance or renewal of a license.

    (c)    (1)    For a license issued at any time during the first year of the term of the license, the issuing authority shall charge the full amount of the fee to the license applicant.

        (2)    For a license issued in the second year of the term of the license, the issuing authority shall charge the license applicant:

            (i)    one-half of the fee, if issued in the first 6 months of the second year; or

            (ii)    one-quarter of the fee, if issued in the last 6 months of the second year.

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