§1830. Central Fleet Management Division
1. Division established. The Central Fleet Management Division is established in the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of General Services for the purpose of acquiring, maintaining and managing vehicles for use by State Government and its employees on official state business, except the Department of Public Safety. The Central Fleet Management Division shall rent or lease vehicles to agencies, except the Department of Public Safety, in accordance with an established rate structure. Revenues derived from operations must be used to acquire, replace and maintain vehicles; adequately staff the Central Fleet Management Division; pay for required space; and otherwise provide for the overall operation of the Central Fleet Management Division. Department vehicles that exceed the car, light duty truck and special use vehicle specifications are exempt from this section, but must be reported in accordance with this section. For the purposes of this section, the terms "car," "light duty truck" and "special use vehicle" refer to vehicles with gross vehicle weight rating less than 10,000 pounds.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
2. Agency program requirements. The Bureau of General Services shall work closely with all departments and agencies to identify annual transportation and vehicle usage requirements to ensure that agency program requirements are met to the maximum extent possible. The bureau shall:
A. Maintain the Central Fleet Management Division to service the transportation requirements of all state agencies not exempted under subsection 3, paragraph C and their employees and control assignments of vehicles to ensure they are used to the best economic advantage of the State; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
B. Maintain records of transportation and vehicle requirements and all motor vehicles owned, leased and available for use for those agencies not exempted under subsection 3, paragraph C and make this information available to state agencies; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
C. Require all state agencies not exempted under subsection 3, paragraph C and their employees to use the Central Fleet Management Division when transportation is required. Employees requesting to use personal vehicles on state business are required to seek an exemption from the Central Fleet Management Division; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
D. Acquire or replace Central Fleet Management Division vehicles in accordance with an established vehicle replacement policy; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
E. Transfer motor vehicles from other agencies, purchase, lease, lease-purchase or enter into other financing agreements, in accordance with section 1587, for the acquisition or replacement of motor vehicles in accordance with subsection 3 when it can be demonstrated that any such action or agreement provides a clear cost or program advantage to the State; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
F. Establish facilities to store and maintain motor vehicles; and [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
G. Devise a mechanism for the distribution of fuel by competitive bidding by commercial vendor, by the use of existing state-owned fueling facilities and the establishment of a statewide credit card system. [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
3. Standards; specifications. The Bureau of General Services shall establish the following:
A. Standards for vehicle operation; [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
B. Specifications for vehicles to be acquired by the State; and [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
C. Standards for the exemption or waiver of state agencies from the requirements of this section. The Director of the Bureau of General Services may provide a waiver to an agency or an employee requiring the services of the Central Fleet Management Division or the standards and criteria established under this section if the director concludes that such a waiver is in the best economic interest of the State or critical agency mission. [PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
Standards developed for use of Central Fleet Management Division services by all state agencies not exempted under paragraph C and employees of any such agency must be available for inspection at the Central Fleet Management Division's central office. The Director of the Bureau of General Services may provide a temporary waiver of the standards and criteria established under this section if the director concludes that the unique conditions of program or employee function require such a waiver.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
4. Central Fleet Management Internal Service Fund Account. The Bureau of General Services shall establish, through the Office of the State Controller, the Central Fleet Management Internal Service Fund Account. The funds deposited in the account must include, but are not limited to, appropriations made to the account, funds transferred to the account from within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services, funds received from state departments and agencies using the services provided by the bureau, earnings by the fund from the Treasurer of State's pool and proceeds from the sale of vehicles under the administrative control of the Central Fleet Management division by the state surplus property program in the Bureau of General Services in accordance with current provisions of law and subsection 3.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
5. Levy charges. The Central Fleet Management Division may levy charges according to a rate schedule recommended by the Director of the Bureau of General Services and approved by the Commissioner of Administrative and Financial Services against all departments and agencies using the services of the Central Fleet Management Division.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
6. Service charges. Service charges for the rental and lease of motor vehicles must be calculated to provide for vehicle replacement costs, operating costs, necessary capital investment, personal services and sufficient working capital for the Central Fleet Management Division.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
7. Assignment of appropriate credits. The Central Fleet Management Division may develop a method of assigning appropriate credits to be used to reduce the charges for those state agencies from which vehicles are transferred to the Central Fleet Management Division. These credits must be calculated both to reasonably compensate the agencies and to ensure adequate revenues to support the Central Fleet Management Division.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
8. Staff. The Director of the Bureau of General Services shall appoint, as approved by the Legislature and subject to the Civil Service Law, staff necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
9. Budget adequate funds. Each department or agency using the services of the Central Fleet Management Division must budget adequate funds to pay for the leasing services provided by the Central Fleet Management Division.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
10. Transfer of funds. Notwithstanding section 1585, state agencies that are in the process of transferring vehicle operations to the Central Fleet Management Division may transfer Capital Expenditures funds to the All Other category for those agencies to allow agencies to pay vehicle expenses.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
11. Report. The Director of the Bureau of General Services within the Department of Administrative and Financial Services shall report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over state and local government matters and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over appropriations and financial affairs by February 15th of each year with respect to the status of current vehicle operations, projected requirements, anticipated costs and savings realized to date for each fiscal year in the operation of the Central Fleet Management Division.
[PL 2005, c. 386, Pt. H, §10 (NEW).]
PL 2005, c. 386, §H10 (NEW).