Income limitations for elderly households

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§6206. Income limitations for elderly households

A claimant representing an elderly household shall qualify for the following benefits subject to the following income limitations.   [PL 1987, c. 516, §§3, 6 (NEW).]

1.  Single-member elderly households.  For single-member elderly households, the benefit shall be calculated as follows:

If household income equals:The benefit equals:
$ 0 to $6,800100% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $400
$6,801 to $7,00075% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $300
$7,001 to $7,20050% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $200
$7,201 to $7,40025% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $100

[PL 1987, c. 516, §§3, 6 (NEW).]

2.  Elderly households with 2 or more members.  For elderly households with 2 or more members, the benefit shall be calculated as follows:

If household income equals:The benefit equals:
$ 0 to $8,100100% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $400
$8,101 to $8,50075% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $300
$8,501 to $8,80050% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $200
$8,801 to $9,20025% of the benefit base up to a maximum of $100

[PL 1987, c. 516, §§3, 6 (NEW).]

3.  Minimum benefit.  No claim of less than $5 may be granted.  

[PL 1987, c. 516, §§3, 6 (NEW).]


PL 1987, c. 516, §§3,6 (NEW).

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